Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2011

A time for change in europe but to what direction?

Everyone seems to affirm that we are in crossroads for the future of europe and maybe the world.After 20 years of  capitalism without any kind of supervision from the goverments we are faced with a debt crisis that has endeangerd not only the global economy but also something even more important.
The survival of the middle and lower-middle classes.
Every expert,economic analyst and bank executive seem to blame for the enormous debt the states and especially the european states for  spending too much.And where exactly did they spend to much?
Education,health,old age and unemployment benefits.They effectively tell us that these are the roots of the problem.So naturally the only solution is cuts to all of above.
The wealfare state that was built after WWII is in grave danger.It is accussed of being a debt generator and nothing else.
Everyone who has received unemployment benefits,schooling  or access to national health system knows better.
We are at crossroads.Abandon the way that was laid by the first true radical liberal  Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman that legislated the first state pension for people over 70 and was continued by the post war german socialiberalism, is what we are advised by many experts to do.What lays beyond for us is uncertain.
One thing is certain.Europe is quickly becoming a place full of highly educated and motivated people but all the same unemployed people.
And an educated and hungry person is very,very dangerous.
Remember 1848.They were at crossroads too!

 Dedicated to Henry Campbell-Bannermann liberal prime minister of United Kingdom

I think it will be felt by the community as a whole as if they had lost a relative. Certainly those who have been associated with him closely for years will feel a deep sense of personal bereavement. I have never met a great public figure since I have been in politics who so completely won the attachment and affection of the men who came into contact with him. He was not merely admired and respected; he was absolutely loved by us all. I really cannot trust myself to say more. The masses of the people of this country, especially the more unfortunate of them, have lost the best friend they ever had in the high places of the land. His sympathy in all suffering was real, deep, and unaffected. He was truly a great man—a great head and a great heart. He was absolutely the bravest man I ever met in politics. He was entirely free from fear. He was a man of supreme courage. Ireland has certainly lost one of her truest friends, and what is true of Ireland is true of every section of the community of this Empire which has a fight to maintain against powerful foes."

David Lloyd George

Κυριακή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2011

What is socialiberalism?(the brief answer)

The thought that an individual must be free to explore his true potential on all aspects of life  while at the same time striving for a state of democracy that will gurantee free and fair elections,basic human rights for all includind access to education,health care,work and pay.

Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Brief modern history from the last survivng soviet type republic in europe and the center of a global economic and social crisis

For the past 30 years greece has lingered in an economic limbo between free trade economy and the huge  overpowered state.A state that had a capital role in the economy and had the means to impose its will.Funded by the private sector and the european union it preserved a huge and incompetent public sector that encompassed all the aspects of private and public life and suffocated every try for reform.Why?
The answer to that question and the answer to how we came to the debt crisis requires a few notes about the greek history.In 1944 greece was liberated from the nazi occupation and a few months the civil war started.
The democrats fought the communists(although even today some call them the democratic army) and to cut a long story short the democrats won.
Now you must remember the above fact because this determined single handidly the history of the country and still the aftermath of that fact dominates the political scenery.
For the next 25 years the country had a democracy but not a true one since the communist parties were banned and the more moderate left parties were discriminated upon.Then came a seven year old junta and after that a true western type democracy emerged.
In the next 30 years every aspect of the political and intellectual life was dominated by the outcome of the civil war and the desire for revansism from the left.Liberal thought was condemed as it was always linked to the after civil war years of political oppression.A romantic view of the what if scenario was created(what if the commmunists would have won that is)and through its mist the principles of populism in its worst form dominated.The politicians bowed to the whims of every working cast and nepotism,party favorism corrupted the population.Politics slowly desintegrated into just managing day to day affairs without plan or purpose.
The few reform attempts were quickly swept away because the respective piliticians didnt have the necessary will.
In greece there is the paradox that unlike the other countries where the greed of the economic institutions produced the toxic deficit, it was the stiff soviet style type of state that brought the fiscal disaster.
Unfortunately the principles of social liberalism were poisoned with a greek soviet-capitalism condemning the greek people to the disaster we face today.

Oxford Manifesto 1947

We, Liberals of nineteen countries assembled at Oxford at a time of disorder, poverty, famine and fear c
aused by two World Wars;
Convinced that this condition of the world is largely due to the abandonment of liberal principles;
Affirm our faith in this Declaration:
1. Man is first and foremost a being endowed with the power of independent thought and action, and with the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
2. Respect for the human person and for the family is the true basis of society.
3. The State is only the instrument of the community; it should assume no power which conflicts with the fundamental rights of the citizens and with the conditions essential for a responsible and creative life, namely:
Personal freedom, guaranteed by the independence of the administration of law and justice;
Freedom of worship and liberty of conscience;
Freedom of speech and of the press;
Freedom to associate or not to associate;
Free choice of occupation;
The opportunity of a full and varied education, according to ability and irrespective of birth or means;
The right to private ownership of property and the right to embark on individual enterprise;
Consumer's free choice and the opportunity to reap the full benefit of the productivity of the soil and the industry of man;
Security from the hazards of sickness, unemployment, disability and old age;
Equality of rights between men and women.
4. These rights and conditions can be secured only by true democracy. True democracy is inseparable from political liberty and is based on the conscious, free and enlightened consent of the majority, expressed through a free and secret ballot, with due respect for the liberties and opinions of minorities.
1. The suppression of economic freedom must lead to the disappearance of political freedom. We oppose such suppression, whether brought about by State ownership or control or by private monopolies, cartels and trusts. We admit State ownership only for those undertakings which are beyond the scope of private enterprise or in which competition no longer plays its part.
2. The welfare of the community must prevail and must be safeguarded from the abuse of power by sectional interests.
3. A continuous betterment of the conditions of employment, and of the housing and environment of the workers is essential. The rights, duties and interests of labour and capital are complementary; organised consultation and collaboration between employers and employed is vital to the well-being of industry.
Service is the necessary complement of freedom and every right involves a corresponding duty. If free institutions are to work effectively, every citizen must have a sense of moral responsibility towards his fellow men and take an active part in the affairs of the community.

War can be abolished and world peace and economic prosperity restored only if all nations fulfil the following conditions:
a) Loyal adherence to a world organisation of all nations, great and small, under the same law and equity, and with power to enforce strict observance of all international obligations freely entered into;
b) Respect for the right of every nation to enjoy the essential human liberties;
c) Respect for the language, faith, laws and customs of national minorities;
d) The free exchange of ideas, news, goods and services between nations, as well as freedom of travel within and between all countries, unhampered by censorship, protective trade barriers and exchange regulations;
e) The development of the backward areas of the world, with the collaboration of their inhabitants, in their true interests and in the interests of the world at large.
We call upon all men and women who are in general agreement with these ideals and principles to join us in an endeavour to win their acceptance throughout the world.